Homayoun Askari Siziri, They (masses) absorb all the electricity of the social and political and neutralize it forever, 2008
Time and Revolution at the 12th Istanbul Biennial and ISEA 2011
- DATE October 17, 2011
- URL rhizome.org
- PDF cecimoss.com
Excerpt/ The 12th Istanbul Biennial and ISEA 2011 coincided this year, resulting in a jam-packed week of activity. At any hour of the day, there was a dizzying array of talks, performances, exhibitions, and art openings across the city of Istanbul. Organizing two high profile, international art events at the same time was a wise choice, as it produced an element of synergy between them. The biennial exhibition was especially attentive to the Arab Spring, and the effect this has had in the region, while ISEA was more oriented to the problems and future possibilities of technology. Taking in both the biennial and ISEA in the same week lead me to think about the power of technology, and its significance for both established and emerging democracies.
— “Time and Revolution at the 12th Istanbul Biennial and ISEA 2011” Rhizome News October 17, 2011